Saturday, July 4, 2009

Guild Codex (rules and regs)

I. Pledge

"To Serve our Guild, our Forge, our Realm in times of Peace and War, using our skills and knowledge to improve the lives of our Allies, and to bring Death to our Enemies...this is our Mission...(all) THIS IS OUR PLEDGE!"

II. Rules
_A) All standard Dagorhir rules will be enforced

III. Codex-to establish rule and responsibilities
_A) Fabricator General
__1) responsible for Forge Discipline (addressing Safety issues, personal disagreements and conduct unbecoming of a Guild Member
___a) in the event the Fabricator General is unavailable to deal with such an issue, a Council Minoris consisting of the three (3) highest ranked and most senior Legio members will be called
__2) responsible for Battlefield Disposition (practice scenarios, Legio breakdown at events, presenting promotions)
___a) in the event a Fabricator General is unavailable to preform these acts, the highest ranked and most senior Legio member will be given the Title of Tribune until such a time as a Fabricator General is available or promoted
__3) will serve the Forge and Legio faithfully for at least one (1) year (from Founding Day to Founding Day March 27) unless removed for Dereliction of Duty
___a) can choose to retire during second (2nd) term as Fabricator General
___b) on Founding Day, any other Fabricator can Challenge for leadership of the Legio
___c) all Prior Fabricator Generals will be awarded the Honorific of Magus, while retaining their Fabricator Rank
___d) in the event a Fabricator General is removed for Dereliction, a Council Minoris consistying of all available Fabricators will be called to decide who will be the new Fabricator General (discussions are prefered but Trial By Combat is acceptable)
_B) Ordinatus
__1) responsible for the Safety of the Fabricator General or Tribune
__2) takes NO orders from anyone except the Fabricator General or Tribune regardless of rank
_C) Adeptus Seniorus
__1) responsible for the Archives, Codex Updates and Contact Info
___a) in the event that an Adeptus Seniorus is unavailable, the highest ranked and most senior member of the Adeptus will be awarded the Title of Librarian until such a time as an Adeptus Seniorus is available or promoted
__2) will serve the Forge faithfully for at least one (1) year from Founding Day to Founding Day unless removed for Dereliction of Duty
___a) can choose to retire anytinme during second term
___b) on Founding Day a Council Minorus consisting of all available Adepts will decide the next years Seniorus
___c) all prior Adeptus Seniorus will be awarded the Honorific of Logi
___d) in the event that an Adeptus Seniorus is removed for Dereliction of Duty a Council Minorus consisting of all available Adepts will be called to choose a new Seniorus
_D) Council Majorus
__1) comprised of All current Guild Memebers in a Forge regardless of rank or Legio affiliation
__2) responsible for Codex Changes Determining Dereliction of Duty and Legio Foundings
__3) Simple Majority Vote rules
__4) any member of the Forge may bring up such an issue regardless of rank or position
___a) the person who calls the Council serves as Moderati (moderator or chairperson) keeping debate on track and counting Votes
_E) Council Minorus
__1) comprised of appropriate three (3) Forge Members
___a) can only be called by appropriate Forge Member
__2) called to handle sistuations without a clear chain of command
__3) list of appropriate times to call a Council Minorus-This list is NOT exhaustive-
___*lack of Codex Approved leadership
___*determining succession
___*Extremis (mundane responsibilities, injury, etc)
___*to deal with the IMMEDIATE concerns of Dereliction of Duty in the Field, not at Home in the Safety of the Forge
_F) The Forge
__1) the Entirety of the Guild Membership in one (1) Realm (open to allowing multiple Forges in one Realm due to too many members)
__2) dedicated to providing membership with oppurtunities and help in crafts such as painting, sewing, caligraphy, researching history, foamsmithing and any thing else a Forge Member decides to pursue (We will learn it together if we have to)
__3) all Members are equal regardless of Guild rank, rank is a mark of Respect, Responsibility and Commitment to the Guild, NOT Supiority
__4) the Codex guides our path, it is not exhaustive or binding, NO member will be excluded for lack of interest beyond a certain level, ALL members may come and go while retaining their rank and records promising only to take what they have learned and use it!
_G) the Legio
__1) a group of the fighting body of a Forge, multiple Legios are encouraged as the Forge grows
__2) Legio rank is important but not above safety and a fun atmosphere
__3) Members of a Legio are responsible for their own gear while being encouraged to help and seek help from other Guild members
__4) Legio members are expected to behve with the utmost honor on and off the battlefield, violations of this principle will result in disciplianry actions including loss of active fighter status, Legio rank, and explusion from the Guild. We are here to represent the best of our Guild, our Realm and our Sport!
__5) if at ANY time a Legio member sees unsafe activity they are required to bring it to the attention of the appropriate Member, inlcuding and especially activities involving higher ranked Members
_H) the Adeptus
__1) the entirety of the Non Coms in a Forge
__2) Adepetus rank is important but not before safet anda fun atmosphere
__3) members of the Adeptus are responsible for their own gear while being encouraged to help and seek help from other Guild members
__4) Non-Com status aside, Adeptus members are expected to behave with the utmost honor and respect, disciplinary actions similar to Legio members can and will be taken
__5) if at any time an Adeptus members ees unsafe activity they are required to bring it to the attention of the appropriate person, including and especially activities invovling higher ranked Members

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